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Alpha Centauri
Planet Alpha Centauri Bb
Proxima Centauri
Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten (englisch)
The Stability of Planets in the Alpha Centauri system (Wiegert, Holman, 1996)
Formation of terrestrial planets in close binary systems: the case of Alpha Centauri A (Barbieri, Marzari, Scholl, 2002)
Terrestrial Planet Formation in the Alpha Centauri System (Quintana, Lissauer, Chambers, Duncan, 2002)
Formation and Detectability of Terrestrial Planets Around Alpha Centauri B (Guedes, Rivera, Davis, Laughlin, Quintana, Fischer, 2008)
Planet formation in Alpha Centauri A revisited: not so accretion-friendly after all (Thebault, Marzari, Scholl, 2008)
Planet formation in the habitable zone of Alpha Centauri B (Thebault, Marzari, Scholl, 2008)
X-rays from Alpha Centauri - The darkening of the solar twin (J. Robrade, J.H.M.M. Schmitt, F. Favata, 2005)
Is Proxima really in orbit about Alpha CEN A/B? (Matthews, Gilmore, 1993)
Are Proxima and Alpha Centauri Gravitationally Bound? (Wertheimer, Laughlin, 2006)
Proximas orbit around Alpha Centauri (Kervella, Thevenin, Lovis, 2016)
Effects of Proxima Centauri on Planet Formation in Alpha Centauri (Worth, Sigurdsson, 2016)
Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Activity of Low Mass M Stars as An Important Factor for The Habitability of Terrestrial Exoplanets I
Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Activity of Low Mass M Stars as An Important Factor for The Habitability of Terrestrial Exoplanets II
Planeten in Doppelsternsystemen